How to Sell Out Your Offer Using Instagram Stories

This month we welcome Remi, who runs RG Creatives and is going to teach us how to sell our offers using Instagram stories. These are the topics she covers during the masterclass:

  • The different types of content to be sharing on your Stories
  • The most common mistakes people are making on their stories
  • The different story types and how to use each of them effectively
  • How to storytell through your stories
  • Her signature structure to follow

You can connect with Remi by following her on Instagram.

Here's a bit more info about her:

"Hey I'm Remi! When I'm not sipping on a delicious cup of coffee, hanging out with my furry friend, or challenging my personal best at the gym, I'm on a mission to help people just like you overcome their marketing struggles and thrive online.

At RG Creatives, we help SheEOs make a splash in the online world! Our team of experts in strategy, social media, launching and design will help you take your business from ordinary to extraordinary. We'll handle the heavy lifting of your online presence, while you kick back and enjoy the ride.

We understand firsthand how challenging it can be to sell a course, programme, or service. That's why we want to save you time and energy by leveraging our experience to avoid the trial and error process. We genuinely love working with our clients and watching them shine"

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